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Make the "Honeymoon" of Exercise a Habit!

Michele Slates

By Michelle Slates, OT/L, Class Instructor

How many times have you driven by Intelligent Fitness, seen the posts on social media or had a family member or friend tell you about it before you decided to check it out for yourself? Looking around the gym we have many new members either coming to classes or doing personal training. The enthusiasm and energy a “newbie” brings is unique. How do you keep the “newbie” feeling of excitement? Creating a habit of incorporating exercise into your daily schedule.

It takes commitment to create a habit. Think about the habits you already have - brushing your teeth, packing your lunch, placing your keys in the same place, watching a certain TV program. Those habits were created out of a need for order and routine. It’s human nature to crave routine in the midst of a busy lifestyle.

A few tips on how to create a habit:

  1. Set a goal. Maybe it’s a certain number of steps per day, workouts per week, or lifting a heavier weight. Write out your goal and keep track of your progress.

  2. Create an action plan and write it down. How will you go about meeting your goal? Do you need resources to help you or an accountability buddy? Use an app, your phone or invest in a planner.

  3. Organize your time to meet the goal. Schedule your workout or movement activity and put it on your calendar.

  4. Reward yourself for sticking to your habit! What is the proverbial “carrot” for you? Maybe new shoes, workout clothes, earbuds?

At IF we are dedicated to helping you create your exercise habit. There are many times available for you to complete your workout or training. Trainers and instructors are available to answer questions and give guidance. The atmosphere is welcoming, engaging and fun. We want you to succeed with your fitness habit!


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