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Get to Know Us! - We All Have Goals!

Danielle Wirick

Updated: Oct 11, 2022

Learn a little more about each of the Trainers, Instructors & Staff at IF! Each month we will feature a different question so that you can get to know us better! This month's question: What is a personal fitness or health goal you have right now? Danielle: As for health and fitness goals, I’m really looking into longevity and how we can influence it… so I can still be around to drive my kids crazy when they are 80 years old!

Hannah: Finding the balance of working out/taking care of my own health & the rest of life (wife, mom, work, etc.). It’s a challenging transition and seems to be constantly morphing, but one that has given me new perspective, appreciation and grace for myself when I can’t do it all.

Abbe: For the last few months, I haven’t had personal fitness goals as I’ve been focusing on working two jobs and work life balance. In the coming year, I will be focusing on increasing my mobility, as well as, reaching aesthetic goals.

Denise: I am currently working on my masters degree, which I probably will have by the end of next fall. I want to get my special populations certification within the next year as well. But most importantly, I just want to learn and get more experienced with Personal Training.

Jaime: Personally, my goals include: continued, gradual running fitness improvement, training for Boston, and getting back into ultra running more seriously . I also aim to prioritize my overall state of strength and conditioning to stay injury free and healthy. I am currently working on building my training client base as well as reopening the IF kitchen and developing nutrition coaching programs.

Klay: I am working on becoming a breathing instructor right now and my goal is to be fully certified in the new year!

Michelle: Lifting heavier weights, gaining more strength and endurance. Linda: Currently I am trying to increase my strength overall.

Lori: Just keep going. :)

Anna: Somehow my crazy husband roped me into the Eagle Up Ultra Relay…I guess it’s time to start logging the miles again. (side note: Anna not only completed this goal, but completed 20 miles for their relay team!)



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