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Get to Know Us! - Solo or Together?

Danielle Wirick

Learn a little more about each of the Trainers, Instructors & Staff at IF! Each month we will feature a different question so that you can get to know us better! This month's question: Do you prefer to workout alone or with others/friends? Danielle: Trainer friends, yes. Other friends, not really (although I love them!) because their form is often a little sketchy and it ends up being a training session because I just can’t handle it!

Hannah: Depends on the day! Mostly “alone” nowadays, although I’m not usually really alone since I’m either pushing my daughter in the stroller on a run or doing some type of workout with her at home. I do miss the team atmosphere of running & the motivation that comes from that. Kylie: Friends make you stronger and help push through the workout together! Rachel: Both! I enjoy working out with friends because the companionship makes it fun and pushes me to do my best. I am a bit competitive so being with other people always gets me to work hard. :) But sometimes I need alone time too, so I can also be quite happy to put my headphones in and think about nothing but the movements for a while. I am very focused when I am working out alone.

Abbe: I enjoy exercising with a workout partner.

Jen: I prefer to exercise both with friends and alone. I like the extra accountability when working out with a friend, but I also like having time to myself to decompress and focus on myself.

Michelle: It depends on my mood - if I want to take advantage of working out while listening to a podcast solo. Or I may want the "lift" from working out with others.

Linda: I prefer to work out with others, it's more motivating!

Lori: I like to mix it up, sometimes solo, sometimes one on one with a partner and then I love a group!!

Anna: Friends give that extra push and motivation!



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